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Leonia's story
Leonia is a mental health counseling student who has been volunteering at Samaritans for over a year.
When asked why she volunteers on a suicide prevention and emotional support hotline, this is what she said: “Volunteering for the Samaritans has taught me great listening skills. My compassion for people has also increased. Particularly for persons that are hurt emotionally. My mother had severe mental health problems. She was diagnosed with bipolar one many years ago. I have always had a soft spot in my heart for people with mental health problems.”
Her love for God and people, especially people who are hurting, has been what moved her to volunteer.
Leonia feels giving is indeed better than receiving. It takes our focus from ourselves.
In her words: “Volunteering for the Samaritans also helps us find true fulfillment in life while making a difference.”